Tag: pregnancy

Prenatal screening of fetal developmental disorders in the ISIDA clinic: modern equipment and new screening algorithms

The most important question that every woman will wonder almost from the first minutes of pregnancy until the very birth — “Is my baby healthy?”. And in order to answer this question as accurately as possible, as well as to prevent possible health problems for the unborn child, we use the best screening programs for prenatal diagnosis of fetal development disorders in the ISIDA clinic.

The ISIDA clinic has two own laboratories: clinical diagnostic and genetic. In these laboratories work highly qualified staff, professors, candidates of science, specialists with the highest category in the field of laboratory diagnostics. But the high accuracy of the results of their work primarily depends on high-quality laboratory equipment of expert class. That is why in our clinic for prenatal screening we use the PerkinElmer DELFIA Xpress automatic risk assessment analyzer in LifeCycle. This is the only program that allows to calculate the cumulative risk of the first and second trimesters in the phased implementation of screening.

Screening programs for prenatal diagnosis of fetal developmental disorders include ultrasound, biochemical, and genetic markers. The ISIDA clinic uses certified FetalMedicineFoundation (FMF) software to calculate the risk of chromosomal pathology of the fetus that based on ultrasound and biochemical screening results.

We are proud that a new prenatal screening algorithm for the first trimester was developed in the ISIDA clinic. It includes four biochemical markers — PAPP-A, freehCGß, PlGF and AFP quadro-test, which provides a more accurate determination of the high risk of developing pathologies in the fetus about 98% compared to competitive programs.

In addition, the combined screening protocol at the ISIDA clinic allows an assessment of the risk of preeclampsia with a sensitivity of 96%. After all, preeclampsia is one of the most frequent and severe complications of pregnancy — occurs in 5-10% cases of the general population. Early detection of high risk of preeclampsia significantly affects the outcome of pregnancy, the appointment of prophylactic treatment can reduce the risk of premature birth and intrauterine growth retardation by more than two times.

Thanks to the newest PerkinElmer DELFIA Xpress equipment with DelfiaXpress test kits and LifeCycle risk assessment, specialists in the ISIDA clinic can accurately calculate the risks of chromosomal abnormalities and preeclampsia, test for Down syndrome in the first trimester and screen for the earliest gestation.

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14
Skype: ISIDA International

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New method of performing a planned Сaesarean section “Happy Caesar”

Experts of the ISIDA clinic try to minimize medical intervention in the natural process of childbirth, relying on the considerable experience in delivery care. This also applies to planned cesarean section operations – in cases when an operation is necessary to preserve the health of the mother and child, ISIDA specialists do everything possible to ensure that even in this case the process of delivery is close to natural.

Caesarean section “Happy Caesar” is a family-oriented operation, the main purpose of which is to create the most comfortable atmosphere for the mother and with minimal medical intervention. It includes maintaining the temperature at 22°C in the operating room, low lights and presence of the closest people. Also a mother’s partner or one of the relatives can cut the baby’s umbilical cord if desired.

After the baby is born, a neonatologist examine it.

This method of Caesarean section was taken from French colleagues and is intended to eliminate all irritating factors, such as noise and bright light, and with the help of relaxing music and the support of relatives to ensure the most relaxing atmosphere for the partient.

If you are looking for a clinic that you can trust with the most important thing – monitoring your pregnancy and childbirth – you can sign up for the first free consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist at the ISIDA clinic (please read the terms of the special offer “ISIDA test drive”). At this consultation, a qualified gynecologist will assess the individual characteristics of your body, make the first conclusions about the course of pregnancy, give full information about the observation packages of pregnancy and childbirth, developed at the ISIDA clinic, and help you make the right choice.

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Skin care during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a catalyst for numerous changes in a woman’s body. The body adapts to the new conditions and the hormonal background significantly changes. And these changes are not always for the better, they often lead to deterioration of the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologist of the ISIDA clinic, Lyudmila Skibitskaya, will tell you about the problems that future mothers face most often, and what to do in this case.


Acne during pregnancy has the same reason as in adolescence: significant changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes during pregnancy appears rosacea. Moreover, the deterioration often occurs after facial cleansing, thermal procedures or gastronomic excesses.

In this case, it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist who has experience working with pregnant women and knows what their skin needs. Remember that during this period it is necessary more than ever to be careful using cosmetics – so that they do not harm either the mother or the child.

Pigmentation of the skin

Light brown spots, darkening of the nipples and moles appearing on the face, and sometimes on the whole body of a pregnant woman, is due to the increased production of hormones – estrogen and progesterone. Properly selected skin care products will help you make these blemishes less noticeable. However, restrain from using conventional skin whitening creams, scrubs and peels – they can only aggravate the problem.

With the beginning of spring, you need to protect your skin from exposure to sunlight: it can enhance pigmentation. Protect your skin with SPF creams. However, remember that these creams are chemically active, and you might need to consult a doctor before using them. The dermatologist might help you to choose the right sunscreen. Also important is the gestational age.

Sometimes new moles appear on the body of the future mother, and the old ones become larger and change their shape. In such cases especially close supervision by a dermatologist is necessary. You may need dermatoscopy (a modern method of examining and diagnosing the condition of the skin). Remember: pregnancy is a serious load on a woman’s body, under the pressure of which a dormant tendency to serious health problems can be activated. Careful attention to yourself and timely qualified assistance will help to avoid this.

A visit to the dermatologist working as a part of the team that monitors the course of pregnancy is the best solution that will help you stay attractive during pregnancy and also protect your baby’s health.

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Male infertility: the real story of a married couple and their difficult path to the long-awaited happiness

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Oksana and Vitaly met 17 years ago, dated for six years, and then got married, already planning “little plus one” to their family in the nearest future. But life is unpredictable and in reality everything turned out differently — for 11 years this couple had been fighting for their happiness and finally succeeded.


Today, they are so happy that, without hiding or being embarrassed of rather intimate details of their lives, they share this story to inspire those people who dream of having children and sometimes lose faith in their happy ending.


Oksana, when did you start planning your pregnancy?

We were dating for quite a long time — for six years. In a meanwhile, many of our friends got married, had babies. And at some point, we realized we were the only ones who would come to friendly meetings without children. Therefore, we made a decision of having a baby as soon as possible, shortly after the wedding.


How did you find out about your problems and realize that you needed medical assistance?

A year after the wedding, we realized that something was wrong with us and it was about time to seek help from medical professionals. We did IVF three times and nothing happened. And then we came to the project, organized by our national broadcaster company STB, “One year after” and came to ISIDA clinic.


Vitaly, were you ready to do the donor program? A very brave decision for a man…

I really wanted a child, and what’s the difference whose genes he have? The father is the one who nurses, who cares about the future of this child. And the fertilization process itself is not that important.


Oksana, how did you find out about your pregnancy?

Despite the fact that for 11 years we did not succeed in getting pregnant, despite three unsuccessful IVF attempts, this time we were absolutely sure of success. Probably, the confidence of our doctor and the entire clinic staff gave us this realization — this place didn’t feel like a hospital, but more like a family where everyone wanted to help from the bottom of their hearts.


We were warned that in the first two weeks after IVF, there is no point of taking pregnancy test as the result may be false. Therefore, we waited patiently till the end of this period and went for our analysis. We did it at 8 o’clock in the morning, and when we entered the doctor’s office and I accidentally saw that my HCG level was over 300m I already knew my result was positive. The joy was overwhelming!


Vitaly, and what did you feel?

At that moment it seemed to me that I could lift up the entire ISIDA building in my arms, and then put it in place … We waited for 11 years to hear this, so many doctors and clinics went by, we even tried alternative medicine. And this time — boom! And we are pregnant.


Oksana, how was your pregnancy flow?

I did not have any specific signs of pregnancy, therefore, to convince myself that I was pregnant, I did a test at home. I really wanted to see those two stripes. After some time we went to our first ultrasound, and saw out baby’s heart beating on the screen. Two weeks later we went again. And the heart of our baby was already occupying half of the screen, roughly speaking.


Vitaly, do you remember this moment?

Yes, I do. But I remember much better the day when we learned that we would have a girl. We went to the ultrasound and for some reason I was sure that they would tell us: “You will have a son”. And when they said we are having a girl, I could not believe it and asked the doctor to look again. I really wanted a daughter. And I couldn’t believe that all of my dreams came true at once: there’s a pregnancy and a daughter. I could not believe this full happiness…


What did you feel when you took the baby into the arms for the very first time?

The first thought was that I feel the same way as when my girl was inside of me. She also beats her knees, only it is no longer inside, but outside. And her eyes were so big! I could not believe that I finally, after so many years of waiting, became a mother. But that was also the moment I realized there is no longer just the two of us…


Oksana, what do you think became a guarantee of success in your case?

We wanted a child for so long, we believed so much that everything would work for us, it probably wouldn’t happen otherwise. Everything turned out well in the end: we found a clinic where we received needed help. We found a doctor who convinced Vitaly to agree to manipulation, calmly and confidently sent us to get pregnant. Fate gave us wonderful obstetricians, an excellent anesthesiologist. We felt at ISIDA, like in a family circle. We were accepted, we were given treatment and we left this place absolutely happy.


What can you advise to those couples who, just like you, have been dreaming of children since the wedding day?

To believe that everything is possible. Do not despair, do not be afraid to take the first step — turn to fertility specialists, undergo a full examination, find the reason and start working on its treatment. If it fails the first time — well, it means that you need to do it again. You need to keep on looking for your clinic and your doctor. We have found ours. It means that this huge and happy chance is available for the others, too.


Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
