Tag: caesarean section

New method of performing a planned Сaesarean section “Happy Caesar”

Experts of the ISIDA clinic try to minimize medical intervention in the natural process of childbirth, relying on the considerable experience in delivery care. This also applies to planned cesarean section operations – in cases when an operation is necessary to preserve the health of the mother and child, ISIDA specialists do everything possible to ensure that even in this case the process of delivery is close to natural.

Caesarean section “Happy Caesar” is a family-oriented operation, the main purpose of which is to create the most comfortable atmosphere for the mother and with minimal medical intervention. It includes maintaining the temperature at 22°C in the operating room, low lights and presence of the closest people. Also a mother’s partner or one of the relatives can cut the baby’s umbilical cord if desired.

After the baby is born, a neonatologist examine it.

This method of Caesarean section was taken from French colleagues and is intended to eliminate all irritating factors, such as noise and bright light, and with the help of relaxing music and the support of relatives to ensure the most relaxing atmosphere for the partient.

If you are looking for a clinic that you can trust with the most important thing – monitoring your pregnancy and childbirth – you can sign up for the first free consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist at the ISIDA clinic (please read the terms of the special offer “ISIDA test drive”). At this consultation, a qualified gynecologist will assess the individual characteristics of your body, make the first conclusions about the course of pregnancy, give full information about the observation packages of pregnancy and childbirth, developed at the ISIDA clinic, and help you make the right choice.

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


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