Tag: childbirth

New method of performing a planned Сaesarean section “Happy Caesar”

Experts of the ISIDA clinic try to minimize medical intervention in the natural process of childbirth, relying on the considerable experience in delivery care. This also applies to planned cesarean section operations – in cases when an operation is necessary to preserve the health of the mother and child, ISIDA specialists do everything possible to ensure that even in this case the process of delivery is close to natural.

Caesarean section “Happy Caesar” is a family-oriented operation, the main purpose of which is to create the most comfortable atmosphere for the mother and with minimal medical intervention. It includes maintaining the temperature at 22°C in the operating room, low lights and presence of the closest people. Also a mother’s partner or one of the relatives can cut the baby’s umbilical cord if desired.

After the baby is born, a neonatologist examine it.

This method of Caesarean section was taken from French colleagues and is intended to eliminate all irritating factors, such as noise and bright light, and with the help of relaxing music and the support of relatives to ensure the most relaxing atmosphere for the partient.

If you are looking for a clinic that you can trust with the most important thing – monitoring your pregnancy and childbirth – you can sign up for the first free consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist at the ISIDA clinic (please read the terms of the special offer “ISIDA test drive”). At this consultation, a qualified gynecologist will assess the individual characteristics of your body, make the first conclusions about the course of pregnancy, give full information about the observation packages of pregnancy and childbirth, developed at the ISIDA clinic, and help you make the right choice.

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


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«After losing two children, I dreamed of a new pregnancy» – Oksana Z. shares her story about recurrent miscarriage


Hardly there is something worse for a future mother than the loss of her unborn baby. But the real tragedy starts with the diagnosis of “recurrent pregnancy loss” – a serious and fearful challenge that not every woman is able to cope with…

It is not easy to read the story of our patient Oksana Z.. An unbearable pain of irretrievable losses is hidden behind every word, every sentence. Oksana, for reasons that for a very long time remained unclear, lost two children, but this painful experience did not let her down nor fade away her hope for the birth of a child:

«My first child died in labor. He died as soon as contractions began, although, the day before delivery, I visited my doctor, and he said that nor me neither my baby have any problems with health. The cause for miscarriage was unclear. Complete absence of any obvious pathologies, the autopsy also did not reveal the reason my child died. The only odd thing was my old placenta, but the doctors could not explain its premature aging.

Seven years later I became pregnant again and gave birth to a baby girl. My daughter was born a little earlier then the scheduled date, there were some problems with her health, but, in general, everything was fine. My third child was born on the 35th week of pregnancy, he fought for his life for two months. However, despite all the efforts of doctors, he lost the fight … And yet again – no justified reason for his death.

I realized that there is something wrong with my body, that there should be a reason for my children to die.. My husband, after all that we went through, did not even want to hear about another pregnancy. But I really wanted a second child, very much! Therefore, preparing for my next pregnancy, I took examinations for all infections, doctors checked my body in all possible ways. Their opinion was unequivocal: I am healthy and can have a healthy child. So my last pregnancy began. I realized that this must be my last pregnancy, I was already 40 years old, and in case of another tragedy, I will not find any physical or mental strength for another try.

I started elaborately looking for a clinic to observe my pregnancy. I did not want to find just a good doctor, I was looking for a specialized clinic with a whole range of services and experience in monitoring difficult pregnancies. This is how I found ISIDA. Exactly here, for the very first time I heard about the problem with my blood clotting system. This problem appeared only during pregnancy, in its second half, it led to premature aging of placenta, chronic oxygen starvation of my children and resulted in tragic finale.

Immediately after the registration, a specialist with experience in such problems started supervising me. I scrupulously followed all the doctor’s prescriptions aimed at stabilizing my hematopoiesis and … feared for the life of my child.

Our son was born a little before the term, at 38 weeks of pregnancy. And immediately one of the best neonatologists in Ukraine was invited to monitor him. Neither me, nor my husband or any of my relatives had to look for a specialist and ask for a consultation, everything was done in ISIDA “automatically”, I even didn’t notice it; I could only dream of such high level of medical service. More specifically, when I looked for the clinic to supervise my pregnancy, exactly because of this high level of service I preferred ISIDA to other clinics. But I did not think it will include postnatal care of my child as well.

Our son is now 7 years old and the only problem that we are dealing with is the consequences of my fears that I experienced during pregnancy. My child survived them alongside with me, now we are getting rid of them with the help of a psychologist. As for everything else, he is an absolutely healthy kid, and I am very grateful to the doctors of ISIDA clinic for his life».

We are incredibly happy that the long-awaited dream of our brave patient finally came true – this is the greatest reward for everyone who helped to make this miracle happen! We sincerely hope that this inspiring story will give confidence and faith for the best to all women and couples who day after day fight for their biggest dream of becoming parents. May all your wishes come true!

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24.

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


Ectopic pregnancy – symptoms, causes, consequences

Ectopic pregnancy – symptoms, causes, consequences

Ectopic pregnancy is a terrible diagnosis, the one every woman is afraid to hear of. Two fatal words, stating a dangerous pathology that leads to the death of the fetus and shatters cherished dream of a future motherhood. But this is not the whole story: an untimely diagnosed ectopic pregnancy, as well as delayed medical help can lead to severe forms of infertility, and in the worst cases – can pose a serious danger to woman’s life.

What is an ectopic pregnancy? It happens sometimes that a new life starts its development outside the uterus – in the fallopian tube, ovary or abdominal cavity. Thus, an ectopic pregnancy occurs – a pregnancy that develops “outside the womb”. After attaching to the “wrong place”, a fertilized egg begins to develop the same way, as in normal, uterine pregnancy. Increasing in size, it breaks the fallopian tube, ovary or vessel at the end, causing severe pain in the lower abdomen and intra-abdominal hemorrhage. In this situation, not a single minute can be wasted: the sooner the woman will go to the hospital, the higher the probability that the consequences of an ectopic pregnancy won’t lead to tragic consequences for her reproductive health.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, and how dangerous is it? The main danger of ectopic pregnancy is that it is difficult to diagnose it without medical assistance before the occurrence of life-threatening symptoms – severe pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, weakness, falling blood pressure. The test shows 2 strips, and indirect changes in the body: drowsiness, nausea, engorgement of breasts – do not differ from the signs of a usual pregnancy. On the early stage, ectopic pregnancy can be detected only via ultrasound, an analysis to determine the level of HCG or during surgery. Timely detection of this pathology is the main key to effective treatment – the earlier you start it, the higher are the chance of avoiding serious complications of ectopic pregnancy.

Forewarned is forearmed! High-risk group for the emergence of ectopic pregnancy includes women with the following health problems:

  • chronic inflammation caused by chlamydia infection, mycoplasma or ureaplasma, by abortion;
  • endometriosis;
  • congenital anomalies of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • tumors of internal genital organs;
  • hormones imbalance, diseases of the hormonal system;
  • recurrent pregnancy loss.

In the presence of following health problems, every mother-to-be should be especially attentive while planning pregnancy and be constantly under medical supervision. Even in very complicated situations, early diagnosis and treatment help to cope with appeared difficulties and minimize the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Motherhood is the main gift in every woman’s life. ISIDA clinic has a number of complex programs that provide timely detection and correction of health problems that can cause an ectopic pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant without complications and give birth to a healthy baby, be sure to undergo a comprehensive examination prior to the planned conception, which will show an exact assessment on your body readiness for bearing a child. And, remember that the best preventive measures of an ectopic pregnancy is an attentive attitude towards your reproductive health!

Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14; (044) 490-95-24.

Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine


Causes of miscarriage, infertility treatment and a prognosis for the future

Causes of miscarriage, infertility treatment and a prognosis for the future

Pregnancy is a real miracle, great happiness and the biggest gift in life for every couple. However, unfortunately, life can make its own adjustments sometimes, leading to problems related to successful course of pregnancy. Some women are incapable to bear and give birth to a child without medical treatment and doctor`s assistance.


The problem of miscarriage is always associated with the pain and grief of parents who have lost a child, with their unfulfilled hopes, plans and dreams. In this situation it is extremely important to stop blaming oneself, do not despair and try to find out the reasons of miscarriage, whether they are responsive to diagnosis and above all – is it possible to get rid of obstacles standing in the way to desired pregnancy? So, pregnancy after miscarriage – let’s find out how to plan it correctly, what examinations to take and what are the chances for successful birth of a baby in the future.


The first thing to do is to determine whether pregnancy loss was of an accidental or recurrent nature. Fortunately, the vast majority of pregnancy losses, especially in early stages, is of an accidental nature, provoked by sudden causes, and the probability of recurrence of this situation in the future is extremely low. In this case, in order to prevent possible problems with pregnancy in the future, it is recommended to go through supportive therapy, general health promotion and psychoemotional state recovery. If missed miscarriage or pregnancy loss was of recurrent nature, caused by serious problems with reproductive health, it is necessary to go through combination treatment in order to exclude the cause of miscarriage.


One of the common reasons for recurrent pregnancy loss is genetic abnormality, since a malfunction in the process of transferring genetic information can occur during the fertilization of an egg. The defect in the transfer of genetic information in the vast majority of cases is accidental, and the chances of a successful pregnancy in this case significantly exceed the threat of another miscarriage. A serious cause for concern is the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the genetic code of man or woman. To determine the exact diagnosis with the purpose of further treatment, a geneticist can prescribe an examination of the chromosome set of parents and a genetic analysis of the biological material obtained as a result of a missed miscarriage – the product of fertilization.


Another common cause of miscarriage is viral and bacterial infections. Waning immunity during the early stages of pregnancy leads to the fact that woman’s body becomes more vulnerable to pathogens and bacteria, the infection of which can lead to miscarriage. Whether the pregnancy will maintain depends on the aggressiveness of the attacking virus or the bacterium, and also (to a large extent) on the duration of gestation.


Unfortunately, sometimes the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous interruption of pregnancy occurs due to the presence of serious chronic diseases, in this situation, a primary screening examination is required. First of all – ultrasound, as well as additional diagnostic studies if necessary. Sometimes doctor prescribes an immunohistochemical study of the endometrium to identify possible causes of embryo implantation abnormality. Depending on how the pregnancy progressed prior to the miscarriage, and also on the basis of an anamnesis of the general state of health, an analysis of antiphospholipid antibodies and hereditary susceptibility to thrombosis may be prescribed. If there are possibilities of abnormalities in the functioning of immune system, the doctor may prescribe a screening examination of the thyroid function in the form of thyrotropin hormone (TSH) analysis and, according to indications, autoimmune antibodies (APPO, AGHT).


All in all, the most important thing is to remember, that pregnancy after miscarriage is possible! There is a number of diagnostic tests that can help identify the cause of miscarriage and allow prescribing an effective treatment based on their results. The faster and more correctly the reasons of miscarriage are identified, the more are the chances for future successful pregnancy. Patients of ISIDA, who have experienced problem of miscarriage, can get qualified help in the specialized department of the clinic – Recurrent pregnancy loss Treatment Center. Experienced specialists of our Center make every effort to correctly identify the causes of failure and to exclude any possibility of its recurrence in the future.


Contact us!

Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14

(044) 490-95-24.Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14

Skype: ISIDA International

Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
